My Top Entrecard Droppers

My top entrecard droppers is here.Thanks everyone who is dropped.You can check your url or by dropping your card be on here nex time. You can drop your card to them because they drop back and so your ad cost will increase

Dropper # of drops

Yimto 17

A Strange Life 11

Science Life 11

Fantasy Baseball 11

Dark is Easy 11

Jean Costa 9

.:CyberfiZZle:. 9

Inspiring Quotations 9 8

The Optimizer SEO News 7


  1. Anonymous  

    January 16, 2008 at 6:55 PM

    It would be better if you gave the url address of each of the website. Instead of linking to their entrecard profile.

    Just my two cents!

    Thanks for the mention though :)

  2. Maldives  

    January 17, 2008 at 7:40 AM

    Here is my link if you want link or Drop Entre Card.