Blogging is turning to a home based work.You can make money while you are sleeping or driving.Internet market is getting larger and larger.Cheap laptops projects and Asus Eee make poor people internet user and advertisement market wanna get them.

In europe,people use internet instead of TV.Television is dying and online kingdom is developing.New advertisement types and huge market make possible to earn money online.You can pay just your bill or buy car or be John Chow but there is a problem for new users.

How can you adapt this market and how can you penetrate inside.New bloggers don't like giving ads or spending money online but they wanna be rich.Entrecard is a good way to give free ad.You can get traffic and if you have unique and really good content it becomes easier to press money on your computer.You can read my advices.Entrecard create an interaction between bloggers and more effective than social bookmarking sites or Mybloglog.It does not tell your site it send user your blog and people decide your quality.It will be avaiable for non-english blog(i see some) and your blog open to world.No border no passport is necessary to be reached your blog.Entrecard make your name known on net.

Other problem is earning money.It is impossible for new user to make money more than 15 dollars in a month.Adsense or bidvertiser give money only for blogs which have wide-visitors.It is hard for first month 10 dollars on net if you are not lucky(like me).Adsense bring you 1-3 cent if there is no click but project wonderful is friend of new users.Best advertisement method for a blog is ad on other blogs but huge and good quality ad companies want much money than a blogger afford.Project wonderful is giving an opportunity to make money and cheap advertisement.I earned 2 dollars on project wonderful ads and bought 50 ads-most of them free or 1cent- in a week.If you make money on adsense or other big companies project wonderful is the key.

New users must use these two online chances.Traffic and money is coming from them they are best opportunity for new users and they are getting bigger and future of web.You can also establish blogs on them.Entrecard marketting is getting more popular and you can open an exchange and advices blog for entrecard.Entrecard banks is established but there are amateur and with a good outlook based on trust bank make great money.You can also give advices and more effective search engine for campaigns.I believe these two blog opps make great money if i have time i absolutely establish these business for a small budget.Don't forget they are becoming global and global markets make great money.